October 28, 2010
By Staff Report
By Staff Report
The SmackDown rest differs from other Trophy Taker rests with its SmackDown launcher that pivots on a dual-bearing system and includes a launcher dampening system. Also, the drop-away cord can be attached to the bottom limb or upward moving cable.
Using this system, the rest's launcher rises early in the draw, lifting the arrow long before the broadhead nears the riser shelf and before the cams break over into the letoff position. The arrow remains on the launcher during the shot for almost the entire length of the arrow and then drops out of the way of the arrow's fletching. Available in two models (FC and Pronghorn) in black or camo.
MSRP: $129.99 (SmackDown FC in Black). Contact: Trophy Taker, 406-826-0600;www.trophytaker.com