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The Sweet Smell of Success

The Sweet Smell of Success

Score big with the right mix of scents and scent elimination.

Hardcore bowhunters know a key to success is tricking what is often a game animal's best defense — its nose.


While keeping the wind in your favor is critical, minimizing game-spooking human scent is an absolute must for closing the deal on animals that come in down wind. At the same time, wind can aid hunters by carrying the aroma of attractor scents to distant animals, pulling them within bow range.

When used in tandem, the right attractant scent and scent-elimination products can form a deadly combination, prodding animals to follow their noses directly to your shooting lane.

Read on for a look at the newest and hottest scent-related products designed to help hunters fill their tags this season.

Attractant Scents & Lures
The Buck Bomb: By using a unique aerosol system, The Buck Bomb emits clouds of scent into the air, where natural breezes can carry the aroma a quarter mile or more. The trigger can be locked to release the entire contents of the can, or scent can be dispersed in small amounts, either manually or with the new electronic, programmable Buck Mister from Old Faithful Outdoors.

All-natural Buck Bomb products have a shelf-life of three years, and hunters can choose among several varieties, including Doe in Estrus, Young Buck and Vanilla Curiosity.


Bombs also are available for hogs, elk, predators and bears. Contact: Buck Bomb; 866-850-6653;

Hunter's Specialties: The folks at Hunter's Specialties have put together a new kit specifically for the growing number of hunters using whitetail decoys. In addition to products to help rid the decoy of human odors, the kit includes three of the company's proven lures: PrimeTime Dominant Buck Urine, Premium Doe Estrus and Tom Miranda Tarsal Supreme. The kit comes packed with a scent-safe bag for transport, as well as an instructional DVD. Contact: Hunter's Specialties; 319-395-0321;

Wildlife Research Center: With its new Magnum Scrape-Dripper Combo, Wildlife Research Center has improved its popular system for adding scent to deer scrapes. The Magnum Scrape-Dripper, available in Mossy Oak Break-Up, is designed to drip scent into a scrape as rising daytime temperatures increase the unit's internal pressure. With a four-ounce capacity, the Magnum Scrape-Dripper can operate up to three weeks without a refill, minimizing the number of times a hunter must return to the site. The combo includes a four-ounce bottle of Active-Scrape scent amd a detailed Scrape Hunting guide. Contact: Wildlife Research Center; 800-873-5873;

Code Blue: A year after introducing its revolutionary Drop Time electronic scent dispenser, Code Blue is back with another high-tech scent dispersal tool — the Temptation electronic scent warmer. By warming scent, such as Code Blue's Doe Estrous or Standing Estrous, to a deer's actual body temperature, the Temptation creates the most realistic "doe" in the woods.

In addition to its vast line of popular whitetail products, including buck urine, doe urine and whitetail doe estrous, Code Blue offers an array of scents for other species such as hogs, bears, coyotes, elk and moose. New for blacktail deer hunters this year is Code Blue's Black Out. Contact: Code Blue; 251-368-4089;

Tink's: The Tink's team has taken its legendary Tink's #69 Doe-In-Rut Buck Lure to the next level with the creation of the Hot Bomb heated lure dispenser. The Hot Bomb contains a pre-loaded scent pad permeated with Tink's #69, which is made from 100-percent natural urine collected from whitetail does in estrus. When the air-activated heat pad warms up, scent is dispersed to create an irresistible scent trail that is most effective during pre-rut and rut.

Also new is Tink's Buck Bomb, which uses The Buck Bomb aerosol system release Tink's #69 scent into the atmosphere, pulling bucks into bow range from a quarter mile away. Contact: Tink's; 800-624-5988;

Muzzy: Tapping into the secrets of trappers, Muzzy has created a trio of effective Scrape Juice deer attractants. The trapper's mix in Scrape Juice's Bowhunters Set-up, Deerhunter's Set-up and Dominant Buck are designed to capitalize on a deer's natural curiosity. That means they are effective throughout the hunting season — not just during the rut. Using the vapor mist sprayer to coat bushes/branches every five or six steps while walking to stand, a hunter can create a scent trail that will bring the bucks in. Scrape Juice attractants are designed to be the third step in a process that starts with eliminating human scent with Super Odor Eliminator Shampoo and Body Wash and neutralizing odors on gear with Super Odor Eliminator Gear Deodorizer. Contact: Muzzy; 770-387-9300;

Primos: With its new Deer Dropin's, Primos has created an ultra-realistic way to fire up a primary scrape or create a mock scrape. The 100-percent biodegradable Deer Dropin's are a combination of Primos' TRUTH Serum Estrus Doe and Buck Urines, so they look natural amd smell natural. Adding 20-30 Deer Dropin's to a scrape will increase visits from bucks. And, because the scent in Deer Dropin's lasts 30-45 days, and actually is rejuvenated by moisture, a hunter doesn't need to regularly return to the scrape and risk contaminating the area with human scent. Contact: Primos; 800-523-2395;

A-Way Hunting: Scent Web may look like Silly String, but the folks at A-Way were all business when they created the unique product, which combines a patented scent, wick and delivery system. Because of its expanded surface area, Scent Web can be up to 300 percent more powerful than liquid scents. It remains active until it dries up and becomes brittle. But when the web gets wet, it reactivates. Using a magnum aerosol propellant, Scent Web will shoot up to 15 feet, allowing a hunter to keep his distance from potentially sensitive areas such as scrapes and active trails. Each can contains up to 300 feet of Scent Web, which comes in three varieties: She-Heat doe estrus, Scrape Venom buck/doe/tarsal mix and Vanilla/Acorn. Contact: A-Way Hunting; 989-435-3879;

Border Crossing Scents: While many deer scents and lures are designed to fire up whitetails, Border Crossing Scents has taken a different approach with its Ever Calm Deer Herd-In-A-Stick. Ever Calm is an all-season lure that uses the smells of deer bedding areas. That helps keep animals at ease and reduces the odds of those animals smelling, seeing or hearing a nearby hunter. The handy stick elim

inates spills, leaks and mess.

Border Crossing also offers a number of deer lures, including Estrus Whitetail Stick and Rutting Buck in a Stick, as well as scents for elk, bears and hogs. Contact: Border Crossing Scents; 888-653-2759;

Pine Ridge Archery: With its two Wick Stiks, Pine Ridge Archery gives bowhunters a couple options for dispensing scent on the way to and at their stand. The original Wick Stik, which is about 11 inches long and just over one inch in diameter in closed mode, is a unique system for transporting and dispensing scents. Just store the scent in one end of the tube, which is constructed with an O-ring seal to ensure no leakage. The wick itself can be used as a drag while walking to the stand. Once at the stand, a hunter can hang the wick, or thread it into the stick and stake it into the ground. The compact Little Wick Stik accomplishes the same duties, but in a unit only six inches long. Contact: Pine Ridge Archery; 877-746-7434;

Ol' Drop Tyne: Ol' Drop Tyne, maker of Doe-to-Door deer lure, has come out with a new system designed to sweeten mock scrapes. The MOC Combo includes Dame, Ol' Drop Tyne's pure doe urine, as well as Rival Stud pure buck urine, both of which are collected straight from the source. By using urine from both male and female whitetails during the key pre-rut period, a mock scrape will attract both bucks and does, increasing traffic at the scrape and a hunter's chances of connecting with a bruiser. Contact: Ol' Drop Tyne; 866-526-8801;

Doc's Deer Scents/Mace Security International: The Sportsman Scent System allows a hunter to spray scent with a special scent "gun" to a desired area from a distance of up to 25 feet away. The incredible distance is accomplished using a pressurized cartridge such as those used in personal defense systems, Mace Security's specialty. Being able to apply scent from a distance helps minimize human scent contamination of the area, and the system also allows a hunter to get scent into tight areas. The system comes with a 28-gram cartridge of Doc's Deer Scents Sweet Demise #7 Liquid Attractant. Cartridges are also available in several other popular Doc's varieties, including Dominant Buck Urine, Doe In Season Urine and Acorn Scent Attractant. Contact: Mace Security International; 888-311-6223;

Innovative Hunting Solutions: Big Buck Ballz were designed to address the shortcomings of other scent dispersal methods. When in the closed position, Big Buck Ballz are air tight and can hold and preserve a solid, liquid or gel scent for months. Opening the split ball with just a quarter turn allows the scent to escape. A hunter can hang a ball from a tree limb, or, once in the stand, a hunter can take the wind direction into consideration and simply throw the ball to the desired area. The balls, which are solidly constructed for years of use, are available in matte black and fluorescent orange. Contact: Innovative Hunting Solutions; 248-926-4500;

Real Scent Superior Whitetail Lures: Among the many new products from Real Scent is Pro Series Scrape, an attractant that contains a blend of younger buck and mature doe urine, a combination sure to fire up mature bucks during the pre-rut. Pure Heat is another exciting product that features estrus doe urine, which is filtered, bottled and immediately refrigerated after it is collected from the deer in the Real Scent herd. Real Scent is available in an aluminum spray pump bottle. For its Buck Decoy Pack, Real Scent includes everything a hunter needs to enhance realism in their decoy setup. The kit includes a two-ounce bottle of Buck Decoy Scent, two felt-lined scent canisters with Velcro backs for use on the decoy, and a 14-inch Velcro strap to attach to the decoy. Contact: Real Scent Superior Whitetail Lures; 717-692-4393;

Deer Quest: Deer Quest, the company behind the popular Deer Sense line of Smoke Sticks, continues to add to its impressive line-up of smoldering lures, which can reach out to 600 yards depending on wind speed. Among the deer offerings remains the popular combination of Part A and Part B sticks, which should be burned together for best results.

Part A is the attractant, and includes eight different chemical aromas, while Part B is the cover scent. The company's new food scents, available in a handy combination pack, also are effective at luring in hungry game animals. Also available for bear, elk, hogs and moose. Contact: Deer Quest; 800-795-7581;

Stink Stick: Stink Stick's Ultimate Scent Dispenser is a convenient, no mess tool for getting deer scents into the atmosphere.

The sticks feature tapered threads to keep scents fresh when the package is closed tight.

Unscrewing the cap reveals a replaceable fiberglass wick. The Stink Stick has a built in hanger, but also can be used on the ground. The Stink Stick is available in two sizes — original and magnum — and three colors: hunter green, shed brown and flourescent orange. Contact: Stink Stick; 586-948-2716;

Scorpion Venom Archery Lubricants: Known for their excellent bow string lubricants and similar products, Scorpion Venom Archery Lubricants has created a new deer lure.

Available in stick form, the new Dab-A-Deer Buck Lure can be easily applied to boots or a drag cloth to create an appealing scent trail. Once near the stand, a hunter can dab the lure on branches or leaves. Dab-A-Deer Buck Lure is mess-free, long-lasting and water-resistant. Contact: Scorpion Venom Archery Lubricants; 631-553-8609;

Scent Eliminators & Cover Scents
Hunter's Specialties: With its exclusive Foil Scent-Safe Barrier, the Scent Safe Bucket Seat Cover is designed to keep hunters odor free while driving to their hunting spots.

The rugged nylon covers, which are water repellent and fit seats with and without headrests, also keep mud and gunk off upholstery.

Once in the field, hunters can use Scent-A-Way No Rinse Body Foam to clean up when soap and water are not available. The foam uses an antimicrobial enzymatic odor eliminating system and includes allantoin and aloe vera to sooth and heal skin. Contact:Hunter's Specialties; 319-395-0321;

Wildlife Research Center: Wildlife Research Center has supercharged its popular line of Scent Killer products. With research having proved that regular Scent Killer is 99-percent effective at stopping human odors, the Super Charged Scent Killer line does an even better job of eliminating human scent. Super Charged Scent Killer, which combats odor at the molecular level, works wet or dry and continues working for weeks after application.

Hunters who perspire on their way to the stand can wipe down with new Scent Killer Field Wipes, which featiure a special Anti-Odor formula. The wipes, which are enriched with Aloe and vitamin E, come in a convenient, re-sealable pack. Contact: Wildlife Research Center; 800-873-5873;

ATSKO: ATSKO's scent-elimination products attack odors at their

roots, neutralizing the organic molecules that create stink instead of simply masking it. N-O-DOR spray permanently oxidizes organic molecules to create odorless, nonvolatile compounds. The result is deodorized clothing, hair, skin or any other surface. Hunters get the same odor-killing effects from N-O-DOR II Powder, a combination of scent-absorbing Abscents crystals and baking soda. N-O-DOR II is specially designed to improve the performance of hunting clothing that uses activated carbon, as well as for treating hunting boots. Contact: ATSKO; 800-845-2728;

Dead Down Wind: Hunters looking for a way to fix that squeaky bow cam or treestand hinge now have a scent-free option thanks to Dead Down Wind's Totally Odorless Oil.

The non-toxic, synthetic oil not only works as a lubricant and anti-corrosion agent, it's biodegradable to fit in with Dead Down Wind's commitment to "green" corporate policies.

Dead Down Wind continues to offer a host of other scent-elimination products, including Scent Prevent Laundry Detergent, Evolve Field Spray and Field Wash Cloths, all engineered with the company's Enzyme Scent Protection process that prevents odor-causing human bacteria from forming. Formulated especially for ladies, Dead Down Wind also offers Huntress Body Wash and Conditioner. Contact: Dead Down Wind; 816-421-4397;

Code Blue: With its EliminX Stealth Dust Odor Neutralizer, Code Blue gives hunters a dry option for destroying human scent. Hunters just need to shake Stealth Dust on their clothing and gear. The patented powder in Stealth Dust isolates the individual elements that form odor, neutralizing the molecules before they can produce scent that signals danger to game animals. Contact: Code Blue; 251-368-4089;

Ozonics: Machines that create odor-eliminating ozone are well known for their commercial use in hospitals, hotels and even buildings damaged by smoke and flooding.

The creators of the OZONICS HR-100 have packed that technology into a portable unit that can be used in a deer stand or ground blind to neutralize a hunter's scent by converting air that passes over the hunter into a natural deodorizer. Powered by an included 12-volt battery, the quiet, compact HR-100 operates up to four hours on a single charge. Contact: Ozonics; 979-285-2400;

Primos: The tiny colloidal silver particles in Primos' Silver XP (Xtreme Protection) Scent Eliminator are the key to the spray's dual-action performance. Silver XP Scent Eliminator destroys bacteria that causes odors and attacks non-bacterial odors such as those from smoke and food. Silver XP Scent Eliminator is also available as a body powder and in a new Earth Blend variety that combines odor-fighting qualities with a natural aroma. Contact: Primos; 800-523-2395;

Scent-Lok: Scent-Lok's Premium Clothing Wash is formulated to be used with hunting clothes that use activated carbon for scent control. The detergent is fragrance-free, uses no UV brighteners and won't fade camouflage patterns. And, because it is highly concentrated, just a small amount is required for each load. Scent-Lok hasn't ignored the importance of keeping a hunter's other gear scent-free either. Its Boot and Accessory Spray kills odors on boots, packs, stands and other gear. Contact: Scent-Lok; 800-315-5799;

Rhino Laboratories: With Scent Strike, Rhino Laboratories uses a patented process to release Chlorine Dioxide Gas into clothing, totally eliminating all odors. To use Scent Strike, a hunter opens the foil container to remove a white pouch, moistening the enclosed sponge and placing it and the pouch in the clamshell dispenser. Placed with clothing in an airtight container, the system will completely eliminate foreign odors from the clothing. Rhino also offers Body and Hair Wash and Laundry Detergent. Contact: Rhino Labs; 888-689-6099;

Hunting Science: Hunting Science has added some zing to its popular Gum-O-Flage line with the new Gum-O-Flage Alert, a chewing gum that eliminates breath odor while giving hunters an energy boost. Available in green apple flavor, Gum-O-Flage Alert is made using the same odor-killing anti-microbial agents found in other Gum-O-Flage flavors, but each piece of Alert contains 10 mg of caffeine, equal to about one eight-ounce cup of coffee. Hunting Science has also created Deer-Odorant, an all-natural, fragrance-free deodorant with crystalized salt. Contact: Hunting Science; 888-627-4868;

Green Predator: All-natural and 100-percent organic, the new scent eliminator spray from Green Predator is not only effective at neutralizing scents, it's completely safe and environmentally friendly. Green Predator contains no perfumes or dyes, and is non-corrosive to equipment, so hunters can apply liberal doses to gear, clothes and even skin to ensure a scent-free hunt. Contact: Green Predator; 586-783-5258;

Cover Up: By targeting odor at the molecular level, Cover Up's Odor Eliminating Laundry Detergent is ideal for hunters who rely on clean, scent-free garb. The non-sudsing, non-UV and non-fading detergent is high-efficiency washing machine compatible. Cover Up also produces an extensive line of cover scents, soaps, and food and attractor scents. Contact: Cover Up; 417-336-4930;

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