October 28, 2010
By Dave Dolbee
By Dave Dolbee
I hate being proved wrong, as most people do. When I was first asked what I thought of Carolina Archery Products' Whisker Biscuit well, let's just say my laughter was louder than my words. Then I heard they were selling like hot cakes, and I figured it had to be for kids and camps. Plus, it was simple and filled the bill for new shooters. When I heard they were getting even more popular, I figured I had to give them a try for myself.
In my mind I kept looking at it and telling myself that it was just too simple to be that good. What I learned was that it was that simple and that good! First, the Whisker Biscuit is a total capture rest. No matter how you turn the bow, the arrow will stay solidly locked in the rest. That means no more getting excited and having the arrow fall off the rest and spooking deer. With two prong rests, fletching contact is a constant problem causing poor flight. With the Whisker Biscuit, contact is good. Even if your tune is a bit off, the whiskers will touch all three vanes simultaneously and straighten the arrow's flight, improving performance.
I tried the Whisker Biscuit using fingers and a release. Both setups tuned easily and shot great groups. I also shot several broadhead-tipped arrows through the biscuit. I had problems with a couple of mechanicals trying to open when I pushed them through, but nothing that would be a problem.
Contact Carolina Archery Products, Inc., Dept. PB, 620H Valley Forge Road, Hillsborough, NC 27278; (919) 245-1400; www.carolinaarcheryprod.com.