Tru-Fire Clutch Bow Release (Jeff Phillips photo)
January 11, 2019
By Colton Bailey
The ATA Show is all about the must-see products coming to market. We archers eagerly await the new year and the showroom floor to get a glimpse of what products we can get our hands on for the 2019 season.
One of the categories archers rave about is release aids. Release aids have come along way over the years, and there is no shortage of options and styles to choose from. Here are a few of the new releases for 2019.
Maybe one of them will convince you that is time to upgrade.
Carter Enterprises Convertible The brand new Convertible from Carter Enterprises is a unique release aid. It hands you the keys to multiple trigger finger options in a single trigger release. You can shoot with the two- or three-finger standard handle thumb activation or – with a simple 180-degree flip of the release and the thumb knob – you can be sending arrows toward your desired target with a third finger activation. If you begin to form bad habits and start to have that “punchy” feel with the thumb trigger, this is when the option to go into the third finger activation really shines. With a removable variable-position Adjusto Trigger that doubles as either a pulling peg or a thumb trigger, the Convertible could be a great fit to your archery arsenal and help improve your groups in a hurry.
Cobra Switch Cobra has a brand new release called the Switch hitting the shelves in 2019, designed for both the target archer as well as the hunter. The Switch is both a thumb release as well as a back tension release combined into one feature-packed release aid. This design essentially creates an all-new release firing style, as both shooting styles can be used simultaneously. The name Switch comes from the quick single-step process to switch shooting styles. With a fully enclosed caliper, the Switch is perfect for hunting situations, as you can leave the release hanging from your D-loop as you await that trophy of a lifetime.
Hot Shot Archery Haze The new Haze from Hot Shot Archery was designed specifically with the hunter in mind. If you have used a wrist strap release all your life but have wanted to try a hand-held release only to refrain because of the fear of change, the Haze might be for you. With the best of both worlds, the Haze is a new hand-held release that still contains a wrist strap to give hunters that secure and familiar feel they have been accustomed to. The Haze is a rather neat design that fits a specific niche in the archery world. The leather strap will provide a sense of comfort and additional support as you attempt to make your shot count in the moment of truth. The Haze has a 360-degree adjustable thumb barrel for maximum comfort, an ultra-crisp trigger with adjustable tensions and is available in three- and four-finger models. It also contains an internal actuating system that makes the release extremely quiet. If you are a hunter afraid of change, the Haze could be a great bridge for you to see if hand-held releases are your cup of tea.
T.R.U. Ball Copperhead TC T.R.U. Ball ’s Copperhead TC hits the market as a new release aid with the popular Cinch web-style strap. An extremely comfortable and reliable style of release, the Copperhead has a fully independent dual caliper jaw. The Cinch Strap is a micro-adjustable web strap that consists of a single socket head screw that can be adjusted for any draw length and then locked into place for your exact position. You can adjust trigger pressure to your desired pressure and secure it with a lock screw as well. The new Copperhead is available with a tan anodized head in a large size with a black buckle and strap, making it a visually appealing and reliable release.
Tru-Fire Clutch Tru-Fire is bringing the all-new Clutch to archers around the world in 2019. The Clutch is a sturdy and reliable one-piece steel body frame release aid with an aesthetically pleasing design. The Clutch includes the Fold-Back Buckle Strap that allows for noise-free treestand climbing and reduced noise from a dangling release. With an adjustable trigger travel and an adjustable brake-pad style trigger pressure, you can fine tune and adjust the release to best fit your desired release specs. The Clutch entails precision milled caliper jaws that allow long life of your D-loop and a locking length adjustment to secure the best draw length for repeated mechanics and accurate shots. The Clutch is your classic simple wrist release aid design with huge results.
T.R.U. Ball HT Hybrid Flex The HT Hybrid Flex is a new sleek and sharp all aluminum body release with a brass insert to increase the total mass weight that is built with target archers in mind. T.R.U. Ball aimed to get the best of both worlds by having the ability to shoot the release as the weight of the original aluminum HT, or by adding the included brass insert for practically the weight of the HT Pro (4 ounces), an all brass handle. With newly added articulating finger pieces, the HT Hybrid Flex now has the versatility of a three-finger or four-finger model, with all options included with the release. Because of the past popularity with the HT micro-adjustable speed dial sear with lock screw, the HT Hybrid Flex comes with that as well, but an optional fast sear will be sold separately. The HT Hybrid Flex features a black head and finger pieces and is available in black, red and blue handles in medium or large sizes.