July 14, 2011
By Bill Winke
When you're facing a situation where you might not have the equipment you need for a food plot or the cover is too thick to get a tractor to your desired location, there are several options to consider.
You can get brassicas to grow almost anywhere that you can get sunlight to the ground. The first part of September would be a good planting time.
You can choose between packaged products like Biologic, Winter-Greens and Frigid Forage, or you can buy purple top turnips and dwarf Essex rape from online seed dealers.
I know hunters that literally use a rake to clear the leaves away and toss the seeds right on the moist soil shortly before a rain. However, you will definitely do best if you eliminate the competition first and plant in a small opening with maximum sunlight.
Consider using a backpack sprayer filled with RoundUp to kill the grass and low brush in the opening first. After about two weeks, go back and remove as much residue as possible.
Ideally, you can get a small garden tiller in there on the back of your ATV. If not, you can make do with a simple weed cutter and a garden rake. Open things up so that sunlight hits the ground. Spread some basic lawn fertilizer with the seed. In a month, you'll have a nice food plot. It may take the deer some time to find and fully utilize the offering.