November 04, 2010
By Dwight Schuh
By Dwight Schuh
IN OUR ANNUAL Gear Special, we strive to cover all major product lines, but we always recognize the value of specialized products for specific needs. Here are three such products that could fill bowhunting niches for you this year.
PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS FORCE some archers to shoot on the side of the weaker eye -- right-handed with a dominant left eye, or vice versa. Melvin Deien, with his Peep Eliminator Compound Bow Sight and Dominant Eye Extender may have the solution. The sight consists of a rear "V" rifle sight and a front bracket on which you mount your favorite sight just as you would on the riser of a bow. The extender bracket sets the sight out far enough from the riser that you can aim with your dominant eye. For more, go to, or call (618) 526-4427.
CAMO FACE PAINT seems almost old fashioned in this day of fancy face nets, but some "retro" bowhunters still prefer it. Bobbie Weiner, a makeup artist in the movie industry, brings her expertise to hunting with Bobbie Weiner's Camouflage Face Paint. It comes in several formats. I particularly like the lipstick-style applicators. For more, go to, or call (954) 828-9755.
FOR A FULL COURSE on moose hunting, get the new DVD set, "Gouthro's Moose Madness Series on Moose Hunting & Calling." Alex Gouthro, who guides for moose and teaches bow-hunter education, knows his stuff. His "Moose Madness" series contains four DVDs with six hours of instruction, hunting action, and moose behavior. The camera work might lack a little polish, but the information is complete, interesting, and instructional. To learn everything you need to know about moose hunting -- and more -- get "Moose Madness." Price is $99.95. To order, go to