November 04, 2010
By Staff Report
By Staff Report

Mathews founder Matt McPherson defines his 2010 flagship bow, the Z7, with one word -- smooth. The long riser of this speedy -- 332 fps IBO -- 30" bow has dozens of small cutouts to make it stiffer yet lighter. The cables go up and over, instead of underneath, the new Reverse Assist Roller Guard. It is this new design that gives it its ultra-smooth draw.
The Harmonic Damper, Harmonic Stabilizer, and Dead End String Stop virtually eliminate vibration and noise. Brace height is 7". Letoff is 80%. It's available in draw weights of 40-70 lbs. and draw lengths of 25"-30" (half sizes from 25.5"-29.5").
Contact: Mathews, Inc., (608) 269-2728,